Speciality Ink Screen Printing
Speciality inks are an excellent way to add some extra flair to your screen printed designs. We do offer most speciality inks in-house, however they often incur additional charges and require higher minimum orders. Below is a list of some inks we work with as well as some additional information on each one:
Metallic Ink: typically comes in gold and silver, but can be used as an additive to most colours. ​
Foil: metallic foil screen printed and heat pressed onto a garment. Works best with t-shirts and not well on fleece. Typically comes in gold and silver, but is available in other colours upon request.
Florescent Ink: a variety of neon florescent inks are available, neon green, neon yellow, neon blue, neon pink, neon orange.
Puff Ink: an additive to ink that causes it to matte in colour and also puff or raise once the ink has been cured. This gives the final product a raised look and feel.
High Density Ink: an additive to ink that allows the ink to build up on top of itself, giving it a 3D look and feel.
Water-based Ink: ink that is comprised of water instead of plastic and offers a much softer hand, but has reduced opacity and colour matching ability. Only works well on light coloured t-shirts.
Discharge Ink: ink that bleaches the fabric of coloured shirts and print with a very soft hand. Only works on 100% cotton t-shirts of certain colour. Colour matching is difficult.
Glow In The Dark Ink: Ink that will glow in the dark when exposed to light and then put into a very dark atmosphere.
Crystalline Ink: an additive that will give your print the appearance of being crystallized or jewelled.
Reflective Ink: ink that prints dark grey, but when exposed to light in the dark will reflect light. Ideal for runners or safety apparel.